Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sin City Bound

Well, it's official.  Dionvox is moving to Las Vegas.  In fact, Scobra is down there already working on music for Noize TV.  If you haven't checked them out already, Dionvox has been making some lovely and strange sounds for them :)

I will be heading down as soon as I get everything packed up and closed out.  But I will get to visit everyone at the big launch party at the end of the month when the show premiers!  Now I just have to figure out what to wear...
Maybe one of these?  Though it would be a shame to blend in with the crowd too much. ;)
I'm being ridiculous now.  But in all fairness, I've been writing at least a song a day for a while now.  I think I've nearly finished yet ANOTHER album.  All beats and crazy DJ stuff :)  It would be fun to play a second set where I can just dance and act totally crazy, as opposed to having to breathe and sing.  Don't get me wrong, both breathing and singing are lovely.  But who doesn't like a little variety?

My schedule has gone bonkers, so I'll end it here.  Stay tuned for more updates!


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