Thursday, September 21, 2017

Online Store Equinox Opening


To celebrate the equinox, and all of the work we have done to put this together, we are finally opening our first online store for merchandise! Unless it's a CD, I hand painted or upcycle-made everything.  Check it out!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Soundtrack Announcement

Just a fun announcement that we landed a song in the upcoming film:  Beloved Beast

Here's a trailer :)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Summer Fun & New Releases

To begin with, here's a fun collab coming out later this month

Click here to check it out

Touring for the earlier part of the summer throughout the PNW was a blast!  Lots of collaboration, festivals, shows, and general celebration. 

Since returning to HQ in Vegas, we are deep in the studio finishing things.

Meanwhile, we also have some exciting new collabs coming up, including a single that is about to be released by Jamaica Black Life Productions.  I can't wait to shoot the video for that one! :D

Stay lovely, and stay tuned.