These last three months have been FULL. Thanks to the Indiegogo campaign, and some elbow grease on my part, we now have 2 fully functional recording studios here in Vegas. As well as ALL OF OUR GEAR so we can play live shows again! (It was previously in storage in Seattle...)
Speaking of live shows, our summer schedule is starting to come together, and one of the first shows of the season is going to be Genesis Arts and Music festival in Oregon.
And since we love collaboration so much, I managed to do some recording while I was in Seattle. Here's one song from those sessions :)
Last but certainly not least, I teased a bit in the last post about a sponsorship we received. BEM Wireless is AMAZING. I feel silly, but I am in wireless music-nerd heaven!!! I'm still discovering and playing with all the fun stuff they've sent. But I'll be posting regurlarly :D
This little speaker is now my new car stereo.
Anywho, I've still got some catching up to do now that I'm FINALLY back in Vegas. But I'll be finishing albums, booking shows, and posting again soon.